Lady O: Michelle Obama’s got what it takes

Criado por Letícia Castro em em 22/11/2008

She’s straightforward, speaks her mind and yet, people adore her. The charismatic – more frank in the past – personality of Michelle Obama, 44, has enchanted the American electorate from the beginning. With passionate speeches supporting her husband’s campaign, in which she never left aside her own strong opinions about him, what their private life was like and what she herself expected they could achieve after victory, Michelle played the part of co-candidate in Obama’s dispute and shared with him the major responsibility on getting women’s votes, not to mention African-Americans’. But who’s that tough gal and why is she so influential?

To write about Michelle is to set the context of her life. Born in the South Side of Chicago, she attended public school her whole life. Nevertheless, she’s got a major in sociology from Princeton – cum laude – and another one in law from Harvard, two of the most prestigious universities in the world. Her self-guided character not only opened the doors to the respected academic life but also assured her a good position in the Sidley Austin law firm, where she met and was in charge of training her future husband, Barack Obama, a newly hired asset for the office. And her career went skyrocketing to the point of becoming vice president for Community and External Affairs for the University of Chicago Hospitals, position that’s been on a leave of absence since January 1st when she began supporting Obama’s candidacy full time. By then, in a quantitative manner, she could be considered the breadwinner of the family with a salary that almost doubled her spouse’s.

But that was never an issue between the Obamas. In 2006, when Barack was set to run against Hillary Clinton for the nomination, Michelle questioned his assistants on what the campaign was sustained on in order to defeat Hilla
ry and what the real chances to do so were. After convinced, she negotiated her support in exchange of his quitting on smoking and the candidate was seen chewing nicotine gums all along the campaign. From that moment on, Michelle did her best. Her participation on the running process went from two days a week, not to neglect their children – her true passion – to the peak of 33 events in eight days in February. Her enthusiastic speeches, in which she would talk about controversial issues such as the war in Iraq and the health system without reffering to notes, attracted voters all around the country and the couple could share the task and cover more territory. She also reminded everyone, with private details, that ther husband is just another human, like everybody else. And the results to such driven behavior is now worldly known.

Two for one, that’s what politics got with this election. The electors don’t wonder about their future First Lady. When the next Inauguration Day comes, on 01/20/2009, for the first time ever an African-American woman, the great-granddaughter to a southern slave, will be empowered as the representative in charge of the position. An elegant, sophisticated, well-educated, with strong character lady will be the number one. She’s the perfect peer to the president, Americans have said. Perfect or not, the Obamas have made history together as a team. Somehow it’s relieving to see such prepared people occupying that position. As far as Michelle Obama is concerned, the couple should never worry about standing the pressure.
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Comentários (14)
  1. Wander Veroni comentou, em 22/11/2008:

    Hi, Leticia!

    The Michelle Obama was over a woman very aware and secure their actions, besides being very charismatic. The first lady african-descendant of the United States promises to leave a legacy of the debate on important social issues in the country, as the chaotic health care system. Let us hope so that the couple made an Obama administration and human consistent.



  2. Rodrigo Piva comentou, em 22/11/2008:

    Inglês não é meu forte… Se fosse italiano, meraviglioso! Español, até arriscaria, mas inglês, no chance… hehehe


  3. Ligia Gally comentou, em 23/11/2008:

    Oi Lele.

    Michelle Obama…She is okay. I guess.
    I think the first lady is only the first lady and we should not expect much from her.
    My concern is about Obama. The guy who I elected for President.

    Lele, te amo.

  4. Luifel comentou, em 23/11/2008:

    Confesso que tentei ler com o o meu ingles by paraguay e consegui ler um pouco, mas naum tudo.


    Saudades desse espaço plurilingue.

  5. Rogério Dalbem comentou, em 23/11/2008:

    The first ladies are meant to be more than ladies. Forgiving and working women.

  6. bruno.ganem comentou, em 23/11/2008:
  7. Homenzinho de Barba Mal feita comentou, em 23/11/2008:

    Espero que tanto a Michele Obama quanto seu marido façam um bom governo.

  8. Rubens Rodrigues comentou, em 23/11/2008:

    Olá Letícia, to comentando aqui só pra responder a pergunta que vc fez ao comentar no meu blog.

    Sim, as poesias publicadas lá são de autoria minha.
    Ás vezes me dá vontade de publicar algo mais, sabe “uma tradução de uma músca que eu gosto muito”, mas aí eu acabo deixando só conteúdo de minha autoria mesmo.

    De qualquer forma, obrgado pelo comentário, espero que tenha gostado do poema, do blog e espro tbm que volte mais vzes.

    Obrigado e ateh logo!

  9. Ms. Molly Bloom comentou, em 23/11/2008:
  10. Marcelo comentou, em 24/11/2008:

    I do believe that Michelle Obama is a result of self-made-woman. The final proof that is not necessary a kind of affirmative politics to make someone better. However, I think the people are waiting so much of them (she and her husband) and I´m sure that if all the problems were so easy to solve Bush or someone else had already done it.
    But… come on… I´m not pessimist at all, I’m just looking for what gonna have in the next years… and I hope the best.


  11. Diego comentou, em 24/11/2008:

    fodeu….não manjo de ingles =\

  12. Jorge Fortunato comentou, em 26/11/2008:

    Michelle Obama me cativou desde o primeiro instante que a vi, boa postura, discreta e parece, bem humorada. Advogada competente, muito bem paga, dizem que ganhava mais que o Obama, Michelle não será apenas a mulher ao lado do presidente, tem tudo para ser uma figura atuante. Good luck for you mIchelle and congratulations Letícia, very good article.
    Kisses and hugs

  13. Daniel Leite comentou, em 26/11/2008:

    Letícia, a Michelle Obama é um exemplo próximo do ideal de primeira-dama. Ela tem personalidade forte, é engajada e seu comportamento já é, como disse, mundialmente conhecido. É verdade que houve necessidade de contê-la durante a campanha, pois suas declarações poderiam ser perigosas.

    Agora, porém, uma vez decidida a eleição, ela será fantástica, estou certo disso. Os votos femininos que ela ganhou não foram em vão, visto que sua participação em projetos importantes será uma marca de seus oito anos (creio nisso) de Casa Branca. Não é nenhuma crítica enfática, mas a Sra. Marisa Lula poderia ser igualmente ativa. Assim como foram Sarah Kubitschek e, até mesmo, Ruth Cardoso.


  14. John Alban comentou, em 04/12/2008:

    I think Michelle Obama is a great woman, very sympathetic and intelligent, and she will help her husband a lot. She will be a great first lady. I pray and ask God to help her and her husband.


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